Sunday, April 28, 2013


As I Walked  Out One Evening by WH Auden

Vendler Grid

Meaning Time is everlasting and the nature of it is compared towards human conditions. It journeys through using three voices, which relates time through several metaphors.

 The essence of time continues to change life and affects everyone in its grasp. (I'm not exactly sure about how to word this)   
Structural Parts Three narrators. First person narrative, clocks, and the lovers. Each one has stanzas explaining it's own connection with time and its attitude towards it. 
Climax "But all the clocks in the city
Began to whirr and chime:
'O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time." 
Other Parts (What?)

Skeleton It holds a strong emotional path and then curves into that of sadness. It becomes bitter and transforms into disappointment.
Content Genre-
 Love poem at first but then it becomes that of a nature poem.
ToneThe tone is rather grave, yet, bold.   
Agency Time is the main agent in this poem.   
Roads Not Taken I can imagine someone altering the message of the poem by changing the perspective of the narrator. They could definitely change who the speaker is.
Speech Acts Author's speech at first is casual as if merely explaining a walk to the park. Then the speech is that of longing and of passion. It switches a warning towards the clocks of time and it's forever turning hand. It's almost like a plea towards the readers. (I'm not very good at identifying the speech so this is all I can explain)
Outer and Inner Structural
There are fifteen stanzas and each have four lines. Rhyming every other sentence and in constant motion. The connected words found in the poem are all having to do with nature such as water and land.   
Imagination The author's use of metaphors made this piece very imaginative as he used words of naturalistic beauty to get his point across.



Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas

Theme: (Chart is all wonky) Death is inevitable, but that doesn't mean to give up and give in when it comes to living.

TPCASTT:  Poem Analysis Method:  
title, paraphrase, connotation, diction, 
attitude, tone, shift(s), title revisited and 
Titleof poem means
Don't go willingly into whatever comes up (which could be anything). Fight for what's right.
Paraphraseparts of the Poem
Men live their lives all differently, even though they are categorized as wise, good, wild, grave, etc., but they all fight against death. Even his father must fight against it.
Connotationof some of the words – changing literal meaning to implied or associated values
Author telling us to try and resist death and hold out longer because life must be cherished and even though death is inevitable, keep on fighting.
AttitudeWhat is the attitude of the author, characters or yourself?
The attitude is full of hope, yet I found it to be filled with melancholy and of depression. The author holds a tone of desperation towards those he speaks to, which was poignant and upset.  
ShiftAt first we think or feel one way – then there is a shift:  identify the shifts and explain them
The shift happened, in my opinion, at the last stanza. The author led his readers to believe that he was speaking in general towards those men who all must face death one day, but the shift suddenly takes a turn when the author mentions his father specifically, which alters the perspective of the readers.
Title revisitedAny new insights on meaning or significance of title?
Fight against your opponent, even if you know you cannot win. Show your strength and take charge in life. Live it to the fullest.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Seventh Reading

The poem I chose was a poem that my group and I discussed while in class. I read "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas.

I usually read parts of a poem over and over again to try and understand its message. However, I read it straight through one time and tried to piece together what I could. The only thing I understood was that the author was telling others to fight death even though death is inevitable. The experience I felt when reading it the first time was that of having a vague understanding of the message as well as utter confusion with certain phrases in the poem. "Because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night" continued to trip me up as I read it a third and fourth time. Still, I was able to ascertain that each stanza is linked together with the same message. Each stanza describes different men-- wise men, good men, wild men, grave men-- and that their thoughts towards death are different, but all the same the author tells them to continue fighting against the cold grasp of death's fingers. "Rage, rage against the dying of the light." The experience when reading it the seventh time was that of full comprehension with the connection the author has with the poem as well as who the author was writing this for. "And you, my father, there on the sad height..." Thomas wrote this for his father, who was probably dying of old age. I really became connected with the poem by the time I had read it a fifth time, so the experience overall went pretty well. The meaning and purpose of the poem is now sealed with hot wax in my mind and I'm glad that I can now identify what I need to know when it comes to that AP exam I'm so dreading.

I apologize for the late update. I'm stupid.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Macbeth Notes Act V

Scene I

- A doctor and a waiting gentlewoman watch Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, for she has been asleep while Macbeth has been out in the field.
- Lady Macbeth has been sleepwalking and writing letters in her sleep as well
- The gentlewoman doesn't want to tell the doctor what Lady Macbeth has been saying in her sleep for fear of getting in caught
- Lady Macbeth seemingly to look like she's in a trance for her eyes are open but she is sleepwalking
- A light is on Lady Macbeth at all times now (how queer) and she's washing her hands
- There seems to be an invisible blood stain that she is trying to rub out of her hands
- "Out, damned spot! out, I say!" Famous quote
- Lady Macbeth refers to the murders: "The thane of Fife had a wife" and it's a burden on her shoulders, even though she had nothing to do with the murder
- Doctor tells the gentlewoman to keep a lookout for Lady Macbeth and to make sure she does not harm herself

Scene II

- Siward is the father-in-law of Duncan and the grandfather of Malcolm
- Macbeth no longer has control over the nobles
- Lennox, Caithness, Angus, Menteith, and the other soldiers march on
- All I know is that they sound as thought they are ready to shed blood for their country (Meh)

Scene III

- "The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon! Where got'st thou that goose look?" "There is ten thousand--" "Geese, villain!" "Soldiers, sir" I laughed at this for not only is the insult very clever, but Macbeth is just such an overdramatic character that I find it humorous "lily- liver'd boy"
- Servant warns Macbeth that an army is headed towards him
- Macbeth comes to terms with this and vows to fight with all his might
- Seyton is introduced and brings Macbeth his armor
- The doctor informs Macbeth of his wife's mental illness and Macbeth simply tells him to fix it
- However, the doctor tells him that her solution lies within her and Macbeth is unhappy about this and scorns medical art
- Macbeth seems restless in this scene and the doctor wants nothing more than to ditch this neighborhood

Scene IV

- Meanwhile in a country near Burnam wood...
- English forces unite with Scottish lords near Burnam wood
- Malcolm orders for his men to cut down boughs in order to conceal the numbers of the army
- War is approaching

Scene V

- An overconfident Macbeth has trusted his castle to keep him safe
- There is a sudden noise, which was reported to be that of the cry of women
- Seyton brings the news that Lady Macbeth is dead
- Macbeth mourns over the loss of his wife and contemplates suicide before a servant brings him out of his soliloquy
- The servant tells Macbeth that he saw the forest begin to move (the soldiers are camouflaged)
- Macbeth doesn't believe him: "If thou speak'st false, upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive"
- Macbeth, in despair, saddles out to meet those who have betrayed him (he knows this must be a losing battle for him)

Scene VI

- A short scene of the soldiers preparing to attack
- There isn't really much to say about this scene so... quack

Scene VII

- A Young Siward confronts Macbeth and asks for his name for which Macbeth tells him
- "The devil himself could not pronounce a title more hateful more hateful to mine ear." "No, no more fearful."
- They fight and Macbeth kills Young Siward
- The others prepare to enter the castle

Scene VIII

- Macduff finally meets up with Macbeth, who has been avoiding Macduff because he knows that he is already guilty for murdering his family
- They begin to fight while exchanging harsh words at one another
- Macduff: "Painted on a pole and underwrit, 'Here may you see the tyrant.'
- Ross tells Siward that his son was found dead and Siward mourns, but is proud of his son's bravery
- Macduff enters with Macbeth's head in his hand (Whoa there)
- "Hail, King of Scotland!"
- Ross closes the play with his monologue aaaaand Fin.

Macbeth Notes Act IV

Scene I

- Witches brewing a potion
- "Double, double, toil and trouble." So that's where that came from!
- The lead witch, Hecate, arrives to watch the show unfold
- Macbeth enters the cave and confronts the witches
- Three apparitions appear (reference towards A Christmas Carol)
- First apparition: an armed head
- Second apparition: a bloody child
- Third apparition: a crowned child holding a tree
- Eight ghosts appear along with the ghost of Banquo
- Macbeth, in horror, flees to England before Lennox arrives at the cave and the witches vanish

Scene II

- Lady Macduff, Ross, and son discuss why Macduff would leave his family like he did
- Lady Macduff asks her son how he will continue on without his father around
- Because Macduff fled, Lady Macduff is suspicious that he committed a crime that he is guilty of
- Three murderers suddenly enter and call Macduff a traitor, which upsets the son
- "What, you egg!" "He has kill'd me, mother! Run away, I pray you!" (Monty Python just because)
- Son is killed by the murderers

Scene III

- Malcolm and Macduff begin talking to each other about Macbeth and the tyranny he's causing in Scotland
- Malcolm understands how bloodlust can be, but Macduff opposes to such a thing
- "Of horrid hell can come a devil more damn'd in evils to top Macbeth"
- (Rather tedious scene) A doctor arrives
- Doctor refers to the disease that Macbeth has: EVIL
- Ross gives Macduff the sad news about his entire family and servants being killed at his castle
- This causes a wave of guilt to hit Macduff as he realizes that it was his fault they lost their lives
- They agree to push forward and move on to deal with Macbeth

Friday, April 19, 2013

Life of Pi Multiple Choice Questions and Open Essay Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Piscine was named after a ___.
A. Swimming pool
B. Relative
C. Indian actor

2. What is the most dangerous animal in a zoo according to Piscine's father?
A. Alligator
B. Elephant
C. Golden Agouti

3. What was the name of the ship that sank?
B. Titanic
C. Tsimtsum

4. How many religions did Piscine practice out of enjoyment?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 3

5. How long did Piscine survive out in sea?
A. 305 days
B. 165 days
C. 227 days

6. What did Piscine ultimately decide to do with Richard Parker?
A. Train him and keep him alive
B. Wage a war of attrition
C. Drug and kill him

7. What animal is COMMONLY known as the most dangerous animal in the zoo according to the novel?
A. Rhinoceros
B. Man
C. Tiger

8. While on an abandoned island, what did Piscine survive off of during that time?
A. Fruit off of trees
B. Wild Boars
C. Algae

9. Who is Tomohiro Okamoto?
A. A Japanese reporter
B. Captain of the Tsimtsum
C. Female Bengal Tiger

10. What is the formed relationship between Piscine Patel and Richard Parker?
A. One of insecurities and bitterness
B. One of dominance and trust
C. One of loving and protection

Open Essay Questions

1. Religion plays a big role in Life of Pi. Discuss the part of religion in the novel and how it affected Piscine's journey.

2. A recurring motif in Life of Pi is territorial dominance and setting boundaries. How does Piscine's way of marking his territory in the lifeboat serve as a lifesaver and how does his survival guide contribute to creating daily routines?

3. Piscine tells two stories about what happened to him out on sea; one with animals and one without. What does this say about human understanding and believing what is real as well as those who are skeptical and only go off of hard facts?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Macbeth Notes Act II


- Near after midnight, Macbeth meets up with Banquo and his son, Fleance.
- Banquo tells Macbeth that he cannot sleep because he had a dream about the witches and their temptations of evil. Macbeth informs he gave little thought about them. Lies.
- Macbeth gives a soliloquy once Banquo and Fleance leave. In his soliloquy, Macbeth hallucinates that there is a floating dagger before him, but quickly recovers and claims that this vision is unreal. The qualm he has towards the deed of murder had overwhelmed his senses as he plunges into a hypnotic reverie of gloomy disposition.
- "I go, and it is done; the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven or to hell." Man, what a line.
- The signal for the murder goes off and he quickly leaves for Duncan's chamber.


- While the murder takes place, Lady Macbeth bides her time by drinking some wine to rid the thought of the whole ordeal. Her soliloquy talks about the passed out "grooms" (guards) having nearly been poisoned by her sleeping potion.
- "He is about it" meaning that Macbeth is in the process of murdering.
- Macbeth is so overwrought by his doings, he begins to hear imaginary noises.
- Shakespeare shows some human compassion in Lady Macbeth as she makes a reference to her father. (Very little womanly compassion)
- Macbeth rambles on in slight hysterics about the two guards talking in their sleep.
- Macbeth could no longer say "amen" after have committed such evil deeds.
- Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth not to consider about what they have done and she tries to calm down her half crazed husband.
- Macbeth knows he won't be getting much sleep anytime soon. They hear knocking. "Whence is that knocking? How is't with me, when every noise appals me? What hands are here? Ha! They pluck out mine eyes."
- Lady Macbeth tells her husband to go clean up and return to his chamber. "And show us to be watchers. Be not lost so poorly in your thoughts."


- As knocking continues, a "sober" porter stumbles over to get the door. He gives a very humorous speech towards the knocking as if addressing it. (He seemed rather sarcastic)
- Enter Macduff and Lennox who have come to visit the king for some ungodly reason. I can't quite remember. Anyway, Macbeth leads them to the king's chamber.
- While Macduff goes into the chamber to see the king, Lennox updates to Macbeth that he had a terrible experience the night before with howling screams in the night and prophecies thrown out. No surprise. Macbeth: "Twas a rough night." (Insert inappropriate gag line based off of my immaturity)
- Macduff exits the chamber horrified because their king has been murdered! Oh woe!
- Macduff awakens everyone and tells them what has happened. Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
- Then... Macbeth, um, admits that he murdered the chamber men. Mmyep.
- When everyone gathers in the hall except for Malcom and Donalblain  (Duncan's two sons), they talk about Macbeth and their suspicions of him. They flee the scene of the crime.


- Outside the castle, Ross and an old man discuss the strange happenings that went on the night from when Duncan was murdered: an owl killed a hawk and Duncan's horses fled their stalls and ate each other. Hm.
- "The traveling lamp" meaning the sun.
- Macduff approaches them and tells them that the chamber men who Macbeth had killed in a display of revenge had murdered the king. *Face palm* Oh, lord. They fell for it.
- They also suspect that Malcom and Donalblain had something to do with the murder since they fled.
- Macbeth has already been named king and Duncan's body is being carried to Colmekill, the sacred storehouse of his predecessors.

I want to take this chance to say thank you to Kelli Griffith, who informed us with: It helped me out a lot to understand what I was having trouble with. Thanks, bruddah! :)

Macbeth Notes (Act 1: Scene V, VI, VII)


- Lady Macbeth enters reading a letter from Macbeth about the witches' prophecies.
- Reminder: Lady Macbeth is the queen of all bitches.
-  Lady Macbeth won't let remorse or guilt get in her way for she will do all she can to murder Duncan.
- She plans to kill Duncan with Macbeth so as to gain her title alongside Macbeth.
- Duncan visits the castle and plans to reside there for some time.


- When Duncan and his small party come to stay at Inverness, Lady Macbeth greets them and shows them inside.
- Wow, that was a REALLY short scene.
- Duncan and the party have trust in Macbeth and show no hostility towards the two lovers with a scheme.


- Macbeth tells himself that Duncan very much trusts him as his kinsman and host.
- Lady Macbeth and Macbeth device a way to kill Duncan.
- Lady Macbeth states that when Duncan falls asleep, she will make sure the guards enter a drunken haze that makes them unaware of their surroundings. That way it'll be easier to kill Duncan.
- Then they discuss using the guards' daggers to kill Duncan so as to frame them for the murder.
- "If we should fail?" Macbeth seems nervous for the outcome of the murder and the consequences that my follow. Lady Macbeth answers contemptuously.
- "Screw" is misinterpreted in Lady Macbeth's snappy answer to Macbeth's anxiety. It might mean something else. Huh...
- "False face must hide what the false heart doth know." I like this line.