Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vocabulary Fall List #7

Aberration: n. state or condition markedly different from the norm; disorder in one's mental state

The caped villain disappeared in a puff of smoke, which was an aberration for those who drove to work every morning.

Ad hoc: adv. for the special purpose or end presently under consideration

The ad hoc SWAT team arrived to take care of the hostage situation immediately.

Bane: n. something that causes misery or death

Who's to say that my little sister isn't the bane of my existence?

Cantankerous: adj. having a difficult and contrary dispoistion; unwilling to cooperate

Nikki became cantankerous when her mother asked her to finish her homework.

Casuistry: n. argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleading

His reasonings for being against certain races was at the most casuistry.

De Facto: n. in fact; in reality

Though magic tricks may seem real to the audience, de facto it is all an optical illusion.

Depredation: n. an act of plundering and pillaging; a destructive action

The pinata burst into flames and from that day on Johnny's depredation limited his invites to parties.

Empathy: n. understanding and entering into another's feelings

Her eyes softened in empathy on her friend for she knew what it felt like to lose someone close.

Harbinger: n. and indication of the approach of something or someone; foreshadow or presage

They say that seeing the Grim Reaper is a harbinger for your future death.

Hedonism: n. the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle

Her hedonism in the field of art began with that first feel of the clay in her hands.

Lackluster: adj. lacking luster or shine; lacking brilliance or vitality

His lackluster comment in class caused a series of snickers to be heard around the room.

Malcontent: adj. discontented as toward authority; n. person who is digusted or discontented

Jessica's fellow malcontents continued to protest against some of the laws in school.

Mellifluous: adj. soft, sweet voice; pleasing to the ear

"Touch the spindle wheel," the mellifluous voice said again, catching the ears of Aurora.

Nepotism: n. favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power

The owner's nepotism was increasingly frowned upon when he announced that his teenage daughter was now head chef of the restaurant.

Pander: n. person who furnishes clients for a prostitute; pimp; person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others.

The pander gave a beguiling grin to his next victim walking down the street.

Peccadillo: n. a petty misdeed; slight offense

Carl's joke was a peccadillo that angered Alyssa, which caused an uncomfortable silence afterwards.

Piece de Resistance: n. the most noteworthy or prized feature of a series or group

Dr. Del Rio's piece de resistance was shown at an art gallery in San Luis Obispo.

Remand: v. to send back, remit, or consign again; send back into custody, as to await further proceedings.

The judge decided to remand Fry back into the facility of Criminally Insane Robots.

Syndrome: n. complex of concurrent things; pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease

I sympathized with my friend who's sibling had down syndrome.


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