Sunday, January 13, 2013

AP Prep Post 1: Siddhartha

1. What does enlightenment look like in Siddhartha? Is it a feeling? An attitude?

2. Is there a relationship between time and and enlightenment? If so, describe it.

3. What purpose does self-denial serve in Siddhartha?

4. What is it about the natural world that helps Siddhartha attain enlightment?

5. In Siddhartha, is it essential to have knowledge in order to have wisdom?


1. Siddhartha, as seen in the passage we read, had a sudden feeling of enlightenment that he described as an inward chill he continued to experience. The feeling was strong, as well as heart stopping for him.

2. Unable to answer properly.

3. Self-denial opens into the world of self discovery in Siddhartha's eyes and proves to be very beneficial throughout his journey to find himself. I really need more information before going on.

4. I actually would rather read the book and find the answer than try and guess. But my guess would be that the natural world creates a peaceful environment that helps clear Siddhartha's mind until that moment of clarity hits him and he is no longer confused about who he is.

5. Well, what we know about the character Siddhartha, I would say that it is essential to have knowledge in order to have wisdom. His travels increases his knowledge by connecting with the world and gaining information based on his journey to find himself. It's common enough to say that without knowledge then there would be no wisdom and Siddhartha recieves wisdom by collecting knowledge around him.

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